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Getting To Know Your Menstrual Cycle


Being able to predict the pattern of our sacred monthly cycle, getting to know her signs and symptoms, her ebb and flow.

Women are truly cyclical beings, with inner seasons (mirroring those of the year) cycling through and beyond our fertile years. As a collective, in the time of patriachy, we have been told to ignore and suppress our menstrual cycles. Menstrual cycle awareness is one way we can reclaim our bodies, by getting to know our full feminine self, our inherent wisdom, intuition and bringing the much needed sacred feminine back to the fore, where it was once revered and honoured.


There are many ways to track our cycles, the first is to begin to record your physical and emotional state each day. Record it however works best for you, in a journal, through an app, or a menstrual moon chart (Click Here)

Before long you may begin to notice patterns (or irregularities) throughout the months, this can help you to adjust to living in a more harmonious way, aligning your lifestyle with your natural energy levels, rest when your body most needs rest, socialise when you are naturally more exuberant or if you are on a fertility journey getting to know when you are most likely to have a fertile window.

Menstrual Moon Chart?

Start recording on the first day of your bleed, adding the date to the day 1 section (you can start mid cycle if you know when your day 1 was, just skip forward from day 1 to your current day). Things you may want to record include - date, mood, sleep, flow, emotions, dreams, desire for pleasure, mucus, physical sensations or changes.

If connecting your flow to the moon phase feels important to you, you can use the moon symbol to represent the current moon phase on each day, or simply chart where the full moon and new moon falls in your cycle. You can use colour to chart mood and make notes. The chart is for a 30 day cycle (similar to a moon cycle), if you have a longer cycle please use another moon to complete your recording. Fill the whole page, explore + create!

If you don’t have access to a printer you can create your own with ease, just simply draw a chart with 30 sections or copy the moon chart, linked above.

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